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How to calibrate
Automatic Calibration
This is the default calibration method and it's recommended for most people, since under good conditions it will produce a more accurate result than manual.
After opening SteamVR, You should be in the empty SteamVR void. Open the SteamVR dashboard if it's not already open.
Click on Desktop and open the Start menu. Then look for KinectToVR. It will be in a folder named K2EX.
Click Show/Hide Skeleton Tracking to ensure the Kinect can see you properly.
You should be standing about 3 meters away from the Kinect for tracking to work. If you don't, the trackers will pile into each other in VR. What if my Kinect isn't tracking?
Click on Spawn Trackers to add the virtual Vive trackers to SteamVR.
You can now click on Begin Calibration and get ready to stand in the first position.
You need to move in three different positions. The Kinect should be able to see your entire body in each step.
You should stand a good 1-2 steps away from the last position on each step.
There's a countdown for each position before it captures it. You should be standing still when the countdown hits zero.
Calibration is complete!
If calibration fails
Calibrate again, changing your head level between positions.
Increase the number of calibration points from the default of 3. Calibration will take longer, but this increases the likelihood of it working.
Delete the K2EX configuration and try calibrating again, there's a button to do this in the Options tab.
If that also doesn't work, follow through manual calibration as explained below
This is similar to how previous versions of K2VR worked with some added quality of life improvements like switching modes and confirming without re-opening the dashboard and controls for precision movement.
After opening SteamVR, You should be in the empty SteamVR void. Open the SteamVR dashboard if it's not already open.
Click on Desktop and open the Start menu. Then look for KinectToVR. It will be in a folder named K2EX.
Click Show/Hide Skeleton Tracking to ensure the Kinect can see you properly.
You should be standing about 3 meters away from the Kinect for tracking to work. If you don't, the trackers will pile into each other in VR. What if my Kinect isn't tracking?
Click on Spawn Trackers to add the virtual Vive trackers to SteamVR.
Click the checkbox labelled Enable Manual Calibration.
Click on Begin Calibration.
Close the SteamVR dashboard to be left in the empty void.
Use the VR controllers to move/rotate the trackers into position to line up with your body.
Your VR playspace orientation should point towards the side where the Kinect is. There's an arrow on the floor in SteamVR that shows it. How to change my playspace orientation.
When you're done, hold both triggers to finish calibration.